I'm thirty-one and often mistaken for much younger. Not, I'm convinced, because of my youthful beauty but because of my chronic braces, my general immaturity and lack of social ease.
Yesterday, my sister Anne and I went to pick up another sister, Sara, at the airport. Our parents,having had their fill of children long ago, had elected to go to a James Bond musical murder mystery party on the night Sara's flight was due in and I was tapped as the one with the time on a Friday night and the one with good brakes who could pick her up. I will not comment at this point on the fact that my parents assumed that I would not be participating in a glorious and sophisticated social life at the end of my long week but the fact was that I didn't have plans.

She assumes that I will quickly tire of this new habit and that she will just have to ride it out until then.
The airport is about an hour from my house and Sara was scheduled to get in around 9:30 pm. Here we are getting ready to leave.
We had a good time driving over, listening to a debate on Cosmo radio about the difference between call girls and gold diggers. I use the term "debate" loosely and had to turn it off eventually for fear of letting Anne in on my secret habit of attempting to out-shout talk radio DJs when I'm alone in my car. As a diversion, I stopped to get windshield washer fluid and snacks. Just as we finally reached the exit for the airport, my phone buzzed and I checked it only to find a text from Sara saying that her plane was only just now taking off from NY! Delayed!
It had started to rain. I should have known it was inevitable as soon as I made the decision to stop and get washer fluid. Anne and I quickly deliberated about how we would like to kill time for an hour. We decided to go to Barnes and Noble.

After a little bit of random browsing,
I realised that I actually need an address book since I'm on a new letter writing kick (now destined for failure since I've officially labelled it a "kick"). I am famous for my high and lofty creative goals and have left a great many worthy projects half completed in my wake!
I found the address books
and had just selected the one that I feel best encompasses my personal identity, the way I feel about the people I would pencil into it (in case they move in the future) and the way I feel about this letter writing endeavor in general,

Due to the long lines to registers that Barnes and Noble always seem to have when I'm in a hurry, I had to abandon my chosen address book. (A bad omen when comes to my aspiring letter writing!)
We rushed over to the airport, where we found Sara standing in middle of the walkway laughing into her phone. Anne shouted her name across the airport, which came out at a peculiarly low volume for Anne. In her defense, she had just been leveled by the flu for five days, the last two characterized to us by her desperate whispers and sign language. Her voice has mostly returned but her shouting for Sara was the ultimate demonstration of love and rendered her close to speechless for the rest of night!
Sara quickly disentangled herself from her call and hugged Anne back,
waved enthusiastically to the camera,
and gave me a hug.
She and Anne then raced off to the bathroom while I stood awkwardly with her bags.
Luckily, the girls returned quickly

we took a picture of the three of us,

Love the new blog! Also, I remember a time when you were extremely camera shy. What changed?
and that story about the college students is hilarious!
Thanks so much for picking Sara up == way to late; rotten weather; and you didn't even get an addressbook out of it!
: (
Great to see this storytelling talent on display. That Young Author's Contest win, oh so many years ago, was mere foreshadowing . . . .
The photos are definitely a big plus. I'm hooked already.
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